A waterfall is usually a geological formation resulting from water, often in the form of a stream, flowing over an erosion-resistant rock formation that forms a nickpoint, or sudden break in elevation.
Some waterfalls form in mountain environments in which the erosive water force is high and stream courses may be subject to sudden and catastrophic change. In such cases, the waterfall may not be the end product of many years of water action over a region, but rather the result of relatively sudden geological processes such as landslides, faults or volcanic action. In cold places, snow will build up in winter and melt and turn into a waterfall in summer.
How is the Lata Iskandar Waterfall formed?

What type of waterfall is the Lata Iskanda Waterfall?

The Lata Iskandar Waterfall is a cascade waterfall where water descends a series of rock steps.
Cascade waterfalls have a small volume of water.
A series of falls may form one waterfall.
How are the load of a river transported?
Material which has been eroded from river banks is transported down the river in a variety of ways. The material may include pebbles, stones, boulders, tree branches and leaves. There are several types of transportation:
Materials such trees and branches are carried on the surface of the water. If there is a boulder or other large object in the way, then they can get stuck or be deposited behind this object.
Very small particles are carried in the water. They are usually deposited in the lower course where the flow of water becomes very slow.
Very small particles of sediment dissolve in the water. Rivers which carry a lot of sediment in suspension may have brown water.
Small pebbles and rocks bounce along the river bed. In turn, they can loosen other small sediments.
Small pebbles and large boulder are rolled along the river bed.
Sediments are carried along the river, provided the river has enough energy to carry them. Fast-flowing rivers in their upper course usually have the most energy. Most sediment is eroded and transported here. When a river loses energy or slows down, then the sediment is deposited.

Based on the above description, what kind of load do you think is found at the Lata Iskandar Waterfall?

How do you think this kind of load is transported?

Study the phtography carefully. Do you think any transportation is has taken place at all? Explian your reasons.

Final Group Photo before we depart the Iskandar Waterfall.
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