We visited an
Orang Asli settlement on our way up Cameron Highlands. We discovered some interesting facts and features about them.
Who are the Orang Asli?
Orang Asli are the indigenous minority peoples of Peninsular Malaysia.
The name is a Malay term which transliterates as 'original peoples' or 'first peoples.'

It is a collective term introduced by anthropologists for the 18 sub-ethnic groups generally classified for official purposes under
Senoi and
Proto-Malay. They numbered 105,000 in 1997 representing a mere 0.5 per cent of the national population.

This group of
Orang Asli live close to forested areas. Here they engage in
swiddening (hill rice cultivation) and do some hunting and gathering. They also trade in
durian, rattan and resins to earn cash incomes.
Orang Asli are traditionally
animists, where they believe in the presence of spirits in various objects. However, in the 21st century, many of them have embraced monotheistic religions such as
Islam and
Christianity following some active state-sponsored
dakwah by Muslims, and
evangelism by Christian
How do you know that this group of Orang Asli has embraced Christianity?) How do the Orang Asli look like?The
Orang Asli are divided into three main tribal groups –
Semang (
Senoi, and
Proto-Malay (Aboriginal Malay).

Senoi live in the Cameron Highlands. They just look like Malaysians, although the dark ones look like
Negrito's. Originally they must have come from the hills in Vietnam, Cambodia or Northern Thailand, about 6000 - 8000 years ago.
In Cameron Highlands some of the
Senoi live as wage-earners, working on the highland tea estates. Others have obtained jobs as varied as government employees and taxi drivers
How do the Orang Asli hunt?The
Orang Asli ( mostly
Negrito),who live in the jungle, hunt with blowpipes for birds and little monkeys. The blowpipe is made from bamboo.

The mouth piece is made from
damar, a resin obtained from the
dipterocarp trees. Darts are made from the split leaf-stalks of
Arenga palm cone

The tip is coated with a lethal preparation made from the sap of the
lpol tree (
Antiaris toxicaria) and carried in a carefully closed bamboo tube.
As for the
windage, a soft fluffy "wool' is made from as kind of bark. Blowpipe is deadly accurate within 20 meters.
Why are their house built on stilts?

At night,90% of the rain forest inhabitant come out to play,eat and sometimes cause trouble. Snakes, poisonous insects, army ants, scorpions, hungry mammals, all roam the forest floor by nightfall and sue heat seeking sensors and night vision to home on their preys.
This is why the
Orang Asli always build their huts on stilts, never on bare ground.

Bamboo strips are used as walls and windows.

Some part of the roof are made from
bertam palm leaves while the rest are made from zine.

A typical
Orang Asli hut is divided into two sections -- one for sleeping and the other for cooking.

They have no need for lobby or dining room.

Although enclosed, the interior is usually airy because ventilation takes place between grooves and gaps of walls and floors made from bamboo strips.
There is always a fireplace where mud pad insulation protects bamboo flooring from damage.

Here, Ms
Farida is interviewing the settlement
headman who could speak in Malay. It was a rare opportunity for us the gather some oral history evidence right from the horse's mouth

At the end of the visit, the
Orang Asli and our students took a group photo.
Reflection Questions1. Do you think that the Orang Asli standard of living is better or worst then those living in Kuala Lumpur?2. Do you agree that although the Orang Asli has a lower standard of living, their quality of life is higher then those in Singapore?3. Do you think that their way of life will be destroyed when tourist like us visit them?4.. Tourism for the Orang Asli : Boom or a Bane?CLick the video below to see an interview that Mdm Feridah has with an Orang Asli mum.